The hotel is a 20-minute walk from the Disneyland Park entrance. Free shuttle bus between the park and the hotel.
Hotel services
Starbucks coffee shop, La Cantina restaurant, Rio Grande bar, Disney shop, cleaner, free parking, free wifi.
For kids
Indoor playground, children's menu in the restaurant.
Room equipment
Bathroom, telephone, TV, radio, safe and ceiling fan.
Room types
Cars Standard room (21 m2) (ex standard room)
With one or two double beds (bed size: 1.4 m x 2 m) max. 4 people + baby under 3 years old.
Cars standard room - river view (ex Rio Grande room)
In a quiet area, close to the road leading to the parks.
Cars standard facilities room close to the hotel center (ex Eldorado room)
Close to reception and restaurant.
In the case of a family of more than 4 people, it is possible to book two interconnecting rooms.